Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Brighton Beach 2009 and Memorial Day, I love USA

I am trying to learn about Blogging. It is not that easy for me so help me while I learn. We went to the beach for Memorial Day. Not everyone could go. We missed Josh at College, Glade had a broken Leg, also Ya Ya not feeling well, Stephanie helping her, and Brad at his mom's for the holiday weekend. Those that could go, we had a blast. We played in the sand , some swam and boggie boarded. We took a picnic lunch and had a blast. We got to watch some people flying kites. The grand kids loved the digging holes at the beach, the best and playing in them and even getting sand put on them up to their necks. They didn't want to get out. They cried when they had to get out. Of course it for only for a few minutes that they were in the holes but they loved it. It reminded me of when we used to go to the lake and the kids loved to play in the sand and bury themselves up to their necks. The sand was really muddie and black. They would come out black. It was the part they liked the best. That was a sight. We all had a great time at the beach this year We missed the ones that were not there. We like to go at least once a year to the beach or more. It is not that far away. The month of May we had More Birthdays. We have a lot from March to June, but we love getting together so it is great. During Memorial day I always remember the boys and men that fight for our country and died. I call them boys because they are some of them only 18 yrs old and die. I have five boys and at 18 yrs old their are still finding themselves. I had a dad, grandparents and ancestors fighting in the wars for Freedom. It makes you appreciate all that the soldiers do for us to be free. May we all stop and appreciate them more, and Live our lives better and appreciate life and freedom more. I love USA.

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