Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24,2009

Eric and Jenny did move about 2's weeks ago. They are now in their apartment. It is right in the same apartments as Jeff and Sheila but back by the laundry area and lounge area. It is a two bedroom so they can have someone visit and spend the night. They got two bedrooms because that is now the apts. do it, it is decided on how many people live there. It is great because it was a cheap price . We are so happy for them. It is apt. 47 but a different address. If you need it, call. Last weekend Glade and I just kicked back and rested. We need to do that a lot more now. Coming up is Stephanie, Kenny, and Glade's Birthday. We can't wait to get together. Oh Darren is dating a girl now. Her name is Nathalie Rackham. They have been dating for about 1 week. We will see where it goes. He really likes her. She is from Virginia but lives with her grandparents in Hughson. She goes to the Singles Branch from Turlock. The branches just combined for Sacrament meeting about a month ago. I think most know that Josh broke up with his girl friend. Darren and josh will start college again soon, back up at BYUI, I think about in April the middle of the month. Diana comes home from her mission about the 10TH of April. Actually Darren and probably Josh will go to the homecoming. We are so excited that Diana will be home. Also Cordon is about done with his mission in July. If you haven't emailed him please do so, also Diana. It is always nice to get at least one email from your cousins. I will email you the addresses. We love you lots.

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